Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 1, 2012

Catch the Opportunity!

What can the Cubify community learn from a former clown?

A LOT!!!

Especially when the clown in question is Derek Sivers, the founder of CDBaby, a hugely successful site where thousands of musicians sell their music.

Consider this short talk titled "How to Start a Movement"

We are about to embark on a movement.  A HUGE movement.  A REALLY HUGE movement!  And, if we are to be leaders in that movement we need to recognize that every person in that movement is critical to its success.  You can't have a crowd without participants as witnessed by this video!

I hope you realize that if you are reading this blog, that you are going to be able to look back twenty years from now and proudly point out that you were there at the beginning of a wide open opportunity for untold numbers of people and you were smart enough to be a part of it.

Few things could validate your genius more than joining the community and then encouraging others to join.  As our numbers grow so will the enthusiasm and realization of the full scope of the importance of what we are doing in a way that I doubt any of us can appreciate just now.  But, as author Malcolm Gladwell explains so well, at some critical moment the Tipping Point will be reached and an explosion of creativity and opportunity will be unleashed.

That is what this blog is all about...  helping each of us realize the incredible opportunity coming our way through both a new technology and our new peer-to-peer community. 

I urge you to subscribe to Derek Sivers by going to his site.  His marketing observations will be a big help to you as you come up with 3D designs to offer to others in our community.  His CDBaby experience will be invaluable to you.  Reading "The Tipping Point" is another great way to prepare as we wait for the release of the Cube and final version of

Finally, I love to see and point out the work of creative people.  So, I'd like to urge you to create your own blog where you can highlight your work and make contact with your own fans.  And, please  send me a link so that I can enjoy it as well!.  Working together is what a community is all about.

I met Denise O'Connor, the first follower of this blog, through the blog that she writes about paper crafting. She's new to 3D printing.  But, I doubt if she will be new very long. She's an incredibly talented and helpful person.  Check our her blog, Purple Paper Paradise, and see why she's a well respected leader in the paper craft field.  I'm sure you will pick up some ideas about how to make a site that people want to visit.

By the way, I fully expect Denise to be THE key person that introduces the crafting community to the wonderful benefits of being able to enhance their work through 3D printing.  I'm proud to knw her and I'm very glad that she's here.

In the coming days we will explore some other possible ways to set your designs apart from the noise as Cube owners, and others, search out items to meet their needs.

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