Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 2, 2012

Welcome Cube News Followers!

I see that Cubify's Twitter page has linked to this site and, as a result, there are new viewers and followers of this blog.

Based on what I saw at the 3D Systems facilities at Rock Hill, you will NOT be disappointed by the Cube.  In fact, as I research various RepRap 3D printer forums, I have yet to see anything printed that appears to be as refined as the pieces that the latest Cube 3D printers are producing.

I will be able to prove this for myself because I purchased a RapMan 3.2 RepRap printer so that I could begin creating tutorials for various 3D modeling software options along with printed samples.  Once it is built, provided I build it correctly, I should be able to print parts that let me compare what that printer can produce relative to the Cube.  My gut feeling is that the Cube will win.  But, if not, I am sure it will be up there with the best the RapMan has to offer.

Now, remember, BOTH are sold by the same company.  So, this isn't going to be pitting a favorite against another manufacturer.  It's going to be an honest evaluation between two lines in the same company.  And, I have no reason to sway the results one way or the other.   It will be what it is.

I can tell you this, now that I have the RapMan 3.2 out of the box and spread across a 4'x8' table.  There is something VERY appealing about the "Out of the Box Experience" of the Cube vs. the "Building Experience" of the RapMan!  To say that there are 8 billion parts to be put together to get the RapMan up and running HAS to be just a TINY exaggeration.

I'm not a coward.  But, this task has me shaking in my boots.  OK.  I AM a bit of a coward.  But, even if I weren't a coward, this task would have me shaking.  I'll let you know if I live through it.

In the meantime, I want to welcome you.  

And, in the spirit of Valentine's day, I want to let you know that I LOVE creative people like yourself.  I know you are a creative person or you wouldn't be interested in 3D printing.  And, I look forward to sharing the anticipation and experience that the Cube is destined to bring into our lives.  This is going to be fun!


One of the truly great things about publishing a blog is that it brings you into contact with wonderfully creative people that, otherwise, you would never get to know.  Whenever a person signs up to be a member of one of my blogs I try to get to know them better.  ChinaBullShop (Tim Shapcott) is the newest member, as I write this, and his story confirms my belief that people reading this blog are at the top when it comes to creativity.  Take a look at his Flickr page.  You will find that his Flickr page has some 3D images related to a personal project he took on over the Advent Calendar for Christmas.  You can even check them out and download them from the Bits and Bytes site.   His photography is gorgeous and his photos are available for sale through  

Making these kinds of connections is exactly WHY I find blogging so rewarding.  Nice work Tim!

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