Thứ Tư, 21 tháng 3, 2012

Cube in Oregon April 17th

Cubify has announced that the Cube Odyssey Tour will be at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry in Portand, Oregon on April 17, 2012.

I hope the turnout is HUGE because the Cube printer is well worth seeing in action.  If any of you attend the event, I'd love to hear from you.

In the meantime, I want to show you another image that is almost mind-boggling to me.  But, it definitely points out one of the big reasons why I want a Cube 3D printer.

A Cube in a backpack

Aside from the fact that Adam, or whoever packed that bag, has a very unique sense of humor, as evidenced by the hand adorning the bag, this image of a Cube being carried around in a backpack with the expectation that it will work on arrival is pretty amazing.

In the past, one just didn't do this kind of thing with a 3D printer.  And, as evidence that the expectation of it working was well placed, take a look at this image taken at the Cube's destination.

It sure worked for Mad Mike of "Pimp My Ride"!

Now, this is a guy that has seen all kinds of fantastic machines!  That says something for the amazing Cube.

Love it!

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