Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 9, 2012

Cubify Invent - Tutorial #5: Just Plane Fun With Planes

OK.  That is NOT a misspelled word.   I couldn't resist.  That play on words was just T-O-O-O good to pass up!

So, we are going to use planes to create a plane.  And, I think you will be quite surprised at how simple it is!

In the video I do something a little bit different.  I begin by using a different plane than my usual starting point.  That is because a REVOLVE ends up creating the very same object no matter which plane I used for the sketch.  So, by avoiding using the XY plane, it made it easier to see the features that we use to create the swept wing.

Also, I left in an aborted attempt at creating the tip of the wing.  It was the result of FAILING to click "OK" when creating the new plane.  

As I mention in the video, we have heard, over and over, the phrase, "Failure is NOT an option."  But, that is anything but true when it comes to learning a new software application.  Failures are not only common; but, an important and  necessary part of the learning process.  If one is afraid of failure, then learning is next to impossible. Thomas Edison is famous for embracing the positive aspects of failure when asked about his thousands of aborted attempts to find a material that could be used in his light bulb. 

Cubify Invent is not the first product, 3D and otherwise, for which I have created tutorials on the web.  And, every single tutorial was preceded by one or more failed attempts.  In fact, every Cubify Invent tutorial, so far, has been the result of multiple recording attempts aborted for any number of reasons.  Recovery from failure is what is important.

Perhaps I learned this from my high school participation in drama.  There was always someone missing a line that caused the other actors to ad-lib to bring us back on script.  And, that was reinforced in the years spent creating training, documentary and news videos where take after take is the norm.

Be patient with yourself as you try to learn Cubify Invent.  It is as if inertia must be overcome where things roll slowly at first and then rapidly pick up speed.  The trick is embracing the failures as the one sure path to successfully becoming a Cubify Invent expert.  :)

Now for the fun.  I hope you enjoy seeing what can be done with a few simple sketches on multiple planes.

Pretty cool, isn't it?

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