Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 1, 2013

Chris Crowley Spots New Cubify Software!

I just got an email from Chris Crowley alerting all of us to the fact that there is a new unified version of Cubify Software.  It works with both the original Cube and the new Next-Gen Cube.

Cubify Software 2.0

He tells me that some features are only available for the new Next-Gen Cube and are greyed out when paired when the original Cube is selected.

More as we are able to test it....

Since I fried my Cube at Hagley, Chris will be looking for any impact this new version has on original Cube owners.  I had left my Cube in the truck of my car over night in sub-freezing temperatures and then brought it into a warm room and immediately tried to start it up.  We think that condensation was the problem and shorted something.  The Cubify engineers are looking at it now so that the precise cause can be pinpointed.

But, for now, be warned if your printer is brought in from a super cold environment, it's probably a good idea to let it warm up a while, allowing any condensation to evaporate, before firing it up.

The printer is normally located in an outside studio where temperatures go down below freezing.  But, both the ambient temperature of the room and the Cube are the same in that situation.  As I warmed the room up, the printer was also warmed.  So, I'd never seen an issue.

I should have known better because we had the same issue with video tape recorders in the past.  The tape would actually stick to the rotary drum due to moisture!  Sigh....

I can hardly wait to get it back.  I love that printer.

Thanks to Chris for the early heads-up!

I downloaded the new software (ver. 2.0.0) yesterday, and installed it. I did have a couple of problems others may not have, but I'll flag them here anyway.

1) After installation, Windows 7 wouldn't run the program, saying the program was having problems. In the end, I figured out that setting the "compatibility" setting for the Cube.exe file to "run as Administrator" fixed that. The Cube support folks told me they already were aware of that, and the next release will fix that.

2) If you use WiFi (WPS, at least) to send files to the printer, be aware that after you install the 2.0.0 software, you MUST do a firmware update on the Cube to the 1.09 firmware. Until you do you can still link your PC and the original Cube printer, but file transfers via the "Print" immediately fail, and there's no info regarding why. I've passed that info on to the Cubify support folks also.

I've only just gotten those problems out of the way and haven't had time to print more than one quick test file, and won't get back to it for a while soon. So Chris will likely have more to say about how it all works.

 THANKS Mike.  (The comment is below; but, important enough to also highlight here!)

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