Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 11, 2013

Excellent Review of the Sense 3D Scanner

Engadget has posted an excellent and bery thorough review of the Sense 3D Scanner from 3D Systems. 

Brian Heater covers all the bases with a great writing style.

3D Systems Sense review: a 3D scanner for the masses (almost)

I really appreciate the thoroughness of the review.   But, in reading through the replies to the review, it is obvious that many people don't know how to put price/performance into the proper perspective.  This isn't isn't a +10K device!  It's a low cost consumer device that works well for its intended applications.

Many also have trouble realizing that one needs to learn their tools before making a definitive value judgement.  Perhaps I had an easier time of it because of my experience with using 2D photo to 3D applications in which some of the same skills are required.  But, even so, I can already sense... no pun intended... that like any new technology, there is more for me to learn if I am to get the most out of the Sense 3D scanner.  And, I'm willing to put in the time and effort to learn it.

Perhaps if I intended to use the Sense scanner for creating highly textured objects for game play, I might not be as excited as I am about it.  But, I'm not.  I intend to create and print, on a Cube 3D printer, unique gifts of lasting value of people and for the people that care about them.  And, that is priceless.

Just ask the cadets we've scanned so far.  :)

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