Thứ Tư, 19 tháng 3, 2014

Want to Explain 3D Printing to Anybody??? A Great Place to Start.

If you have even a moderately successful blog or video channel, you hear from a lot of people.  Many are spammers.  But, sometimes these contacts present rare gems of information that are highly creative and well worth sharing.

The email I received this morning from Naomi Paton of aleerted me to a definite keeper!

Naomi has created a wonderful infographic called 3D Printing: One Step Closer to a Star Trek Future?” that I found very, very well done.

It covers a LOT of ground in a short, well organized presentation.

The infographic can be found HERE.

The web site, itself, is also intriguing and informative.  It covers everything from the Top 10 Web Design schools to the average salaries of computer related careers.  After reading the 3D printing article, be sure to wander around a bit and pick up some great information.

Thanks Naomi!  Nicely done.

P.S.  Aside from the 3D printing article, my favorite article was...

"Selfie Syndrome - How Social Media is Making Us Narcissistic"

I KNEW I was going to like that site!  LOL!

P.S. P.S.  One thing leads to another...

I noticed that the "Selfie" infographic was created by and taking a side trip to that site is also worth the effort.  In particular check out the page.  A few of the images of employees are animated.  Very clever.

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