Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 10, 2014

Check out Eric Albert's "First Impressions" Review of the Cube 3.

This blog is not about being the "First" to review, it's about making sure that Cube owners and potential Cube owners have all the information they need to keep on printing!  So, here is the first substantive test review of the Cube 3 printer by Eric Albert.

Here is Eric Albert's "Early Impressions" review of the Cube 3.

I finally have a Cube 3 here.    But, due to intense deadlines for my YouthQuest 3D ThinkLink Lab training lesson preparation I have not had much time with it so far.

All I will say for now is that those who have one on order did the right thing.

You will not believe the feature set that this printer brings to the table.  I am in awe of the engineering and design.  And, even more in awe of the print quality.

This blog only focuses on Cube family products.  I could do a quick review raving about how good it is.  But, you'd just blow me off as a "fan boy"... for which I cheerfully plead guilty  But, more importantly, it wouldn't help you truly understand what a marvelous accomplishment this printer represents for the future of personal, consumer, educational 3D printing.

This is a different animal folks.

It's the kind of machine that makes you want to simply sit back and appreciate the brilliance of the engineers, designers and builders.  (Precision designs require equally precise builders.)  

Building the Cube 3 is no small task.  It's a marvel of engineering both inside and out.

I was at the factory yesterday with 20+ Youth Challenge cadets and saw, first hand, how much those charged with building your printer are committed to delivering your machine without compromising on quality one little bit.  I have always appreciated both the Cube engineering and manufacturing teams.  But, I now appreciate them a whole lot more.  Their combined efforts are going to put a truly remarkable machine into your hands.

This is SO new, that I would not be surprised if some tweaking here or there did not have to be done to reach the level of perfection that all parties want.  After all, so many systems are completely new.  But. I promise to tell you if I find or learn about a potential issue and/or ways to avoid them when possible.  But, for now, I am completely excited by the amazing quality of my prints I'm seeing through my trusty microscope at the .200mm setting... and, I have yet to try .07mm!

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