Thứ Ba, 8 tháng 5, 2012

3D Printing and Photography

Few things are as useful and versatile as today's small small point & shoot cameras.

While my primary camera is a full-frame SLR, I often find myself reaching for the small Canon 110 HS point & shoot.  However, there are two things about this camera that drive me crazy.  One is that it cannot shoot in RAW, making processing more difficult.  The other is the tiny flash that gives everything that deer-in-the-headlights look.

A tiny flash is always a harsher flash.  So, one of the ways to try to minimize that harshness is to make the flash appear to be bigger.  And, a 3D printer is great for creating a reflector that is custom fit to most cameras.  Here is an image of my current project... making a reflector for the Canon 110 HS.

It's not quite where I want it to be in terms of full effectiveness.  But, it's getting there.  I still need to experiment with the shape and size of the reflector.  But, I am already seeing results that tell me I'm on the right track.

And, the good thing about having your own 3D printer is that you can keep coming back to the drawing board until the item you are attempting to design is doing exactly as it was intended to do.

It takes about an hour to print this particular design.

No, the above image wasn't taken with the 5D Mark II, it was taken with another camera I have laying around here.  Hmmm.... one project seems to lead to another!!!  LOL!

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