Thứ Năm, 24 tháng 5, 2012

Tomorrow, Tomorrow, Tomorrow...

"Tomorrow" has played a significant role in so many dramatic productions, from Shakespeare to "Annie".  But, today it's playing a significant role in the drama that is unfolding as the first true consumer focused 3D printer is released.  Tomorrow is the day that the Cube 3D printer is finally leaving the warehouses and being shipped to consumers all over the world.

So, what will be receiving when the delivery truck shows up at our doors?

First, we will be receiving one of the most precise and well designed 3D printers in the under $2,000 category... the new Cube 3D Printer.  This printer has something that most RepRap printers do NOT have... a heated bed!  This heated bed, along with something else that will be in the box, "Magic Glue", allows us to use tough ABS plastic instead of the PLA I've been using.  ABS has qualities that PLA just cannot match.

Cube 3D Printer

Secondly, we'll be getting the Cube software that turns any STL file into a printable CUBE "p-code" file that the printer understands.  It not only does the conversion. It allows you to re-size and re-orient the print object.  But, for me, the best news is that I understand that it also allows YOU to choose to print or not print raft and support.   That is a HUGE deal for me.

Cube 3D Printer Software
Thirdly, we will be getting a Wireless Interface built into our Cube that allows us to communicate from our computer without a wired connection.

Cube Wireless Connection
Fourthly, we receive an EZ load Cartridge, containing the ABS plastic filament needed to print your 3D objects.  I've already got a backup of items that I want to print, so in addition to the cartridge that comes with the printer I ordered a 3-Pack of additional cartridges in 3 different colors.

Cube EZ Load Cartridge

Fifthly, we will be getting a USB flash drive holding at least 4 printable objects so that we can begin using our Cube immediately after activating it!  But, that is not all.  Additionally, we will be receiving either files or links to 21 more print files.  I assume that these will be made available to us via the Cubify web site.  

And, of course, all the necessary power cables will be there for us to plug our new Cube in, turn it on, activate it and start printing!

So, to paraphrase Annie's famous song... 
Tomorrow, Tomorrow.  
I love you Tomorrow.  
You're ONLY a day away!
OK... maybe FEW days away when we take into account the time it takes to reach us.  But, tomorrow, for many of us, it will mean our Cube will be on its way to us.  And, THAT is GREAT news.

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