Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 10, 2012

Invent Intro #03 - Cookie Cutter from Circles

We continue the Cubify Invent Introductory Tutorials by exploring how a single 2D shape can be used to create a Cookie Cutter.

The power of Cubify Invent lies in its ability to modify and extend 2D shapes into 3D objects.  In keeping with our own strategy of learning a new product by focusing on a single shape in order to experience with new commands that modify that shape, we use simple circles to create a complex object.  In this case, that object is a cookie cutter in the shape of a cartoon animal head.

In parallel with our Cubify Invent tutorials we are also creating Moment of Inspiration introductory tutorials.  It's helpful to see how various applications accomplish the same job.  So, here is the above task as it might be accomplished in Moment of Inspiration. 

The differences in approach are nuanced.  Both do the task extremely well with little real effort or frustration.  That is good news to all of us as we look for tools to create the objects we print with our Cube 3D printers.

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