Thứ Năm, 11 tháng 10, 2012

The Cube Travels Again - YouthQuest Foundation

Once again, my Cube is traveling for a good cause.  It will be featured at a gala to raise funds for the YouthQuest Foundation, to help support a FabLab project pairing "at-risk" youth and 3D printers with wounded warriors.  The idea is to task the young people to design and print specialized items that improve the lives of the wounded. 

What a marvelous project!

Think about the ramifications of a project like this.

First, each wounded warrior faces unique challenges.  And, that means that there are almost infinite possibilities for little devices that can be a help doing every day tasks.  Secondly, it gives a child. that may have little confidence or self-esteem an opportunity. to use their creativity to work with someone that they can help in a very direct and concrete way.  It is not difficult for me to see what this may mean to a child that previously had felt less than successful.

I met Lynda Mann, of the YouthQuest Foundation, through Cathy Lewis of 3D Systems.  And, it's been a joy to hear their plans and see the energy with which they are pursuing using 3D Printing to inspire and motivate at-risk young people.  It you would like to know more about this great project, and how you can help, please go to their web site:

I'll try to keep everyone up to speed regarding their progress as the project unfolds.  In the meantime, I'm glad to be able to help potential donors see the power and potential of 3D printing at the gala.

And, while I'm at it... Can you think of many other personal 3D printers that one could be so easily and confidently loaned out?  I can't.  Small, portable and rugged.  Nice combination!

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