Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 12, 2012

Creativity Run Amuck! Photo Pop by BitBox

Blogging is a mind expanding pursuit.  And, that is especially true when blogging on a subject that attracts creative people.  This morning, I got a "Friends" message from Facebook from Ana Vaz Ferreira, a name I did not recognize.  I am certain that the request came about because of this blog.

I am VERY cautious about answering Facebook "Friend" requests.  I always go out of my way to research the person before deciding what to do.  In this case, my search lead me to a site called BitBox that makes apps for the iPhone and Android.  And, THAT lead me to an app that is loads of fun.

The nice thing about iPhone and iPad apps is that they are generally free or inexpensive.  Noticing that it had to do with photos and art, I decided to give their app, called Photo Pop, a try. And, THAT, was the beginning of a few minutes of hilarious fun with my grandchildren.  We had a ball.

It's definitely an app that draws out the insanity in us.

The idea is to take a picture and then add POP to the photo to create the REAL you.  Here's our first sample.

Greta Pop

Now, if a 13 year old can make herself beautiful, then surely a 69 year old can do one better.  So, here is my try,  Ain't I a beauty?

Pop with POP!

It seems to be a new app for the iPad and there are a few kinks to iron out.  One hint,  If you take a picture and it does not immediately show up in the edit window, leave the app and come back in,  The photo will be there.

Other than rhat, it's a LOT of fun and in just a few minutes my granddaughters and a friend created these Photo Pop results.

Roughing it!

And, of course, the others felt my YOUTHFUL view of myself was completely out of character and decided to create their view of me.

Old 3D Guy

Hmmm.... maybe Photo Pop is more dangerous than fun!

Thank you Ana!   We had a great time:)

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