Thứ Sáu, 6 tháng 3, 2015

ALERT!!! Quick (and Important) Reminder for Cube3 Owners.

I have to rush off this minute to an appointment and will have to wait to post what I JUST learned a bit later today.

But, I want to once again urge ALL Cube3 owners to update BOTH their Cubify Client to v2.22 and update their firmware to v1.10A (It will simply appear as 1.10) as these, for most of us, probably contain the breakthroughs that we have been seeking!

Don't forget to go through the entire process of recalibrating, leveling and setting gap.  Check the final gap before printing just to be safe.

In a couple of hours, when I get back, I will provide more information as to why this is so important to all Cube3 usewrs.


You are not being left out in these new improvements.  But, you'll have to wait just a bit longer for final firmware testing to be completed before it's available online.  I have no idea how long that might be.  (After all it IS in final TESTING!)   So, keep watching for your new firmware update on an hourly or daily basis!

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