Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 4, 2015

An Introduction from John Pennington

Hello Cubify Fans!

As mentioned earlier (in this Blog) by Tom, I am going to share my journey with you in “Experiencing 3D Coat".  3D Coat is a unique tool for modeling as well as painting / texturing 3D models. I am enjoying this software's abilities.
I have had my hand on it now for about 90 days and feel comfortable with the things I have used. This software has a huge array of features so much that at first it may seem intimidating. I hope to alleviate some of that.
There are many things we use with little knowledge of how they work. An example; As I am using this word processing software to type this article. Things called routines are going on (in the background) that I do not need to know about nor do I really care about them I only want to type. Often the programmers who make some of the best software are also the worse people to represent them. They start talking things that are often important for the program to be what it is all the while losing a potential user who only cares for what it does. I do not need to know how the software makes best use of the processor. I just need to see it perform in a way that pleases me.

My goal in the "3D Coat Experience" series is to bring 3D modeling to the average user, the one who is more concerned about creating than the process itself. Your feedback will help keep me on track in this goal.
A little background about myself:
Tom and I met on path crossing journeys back in 2007. My side of that is about once a month I do a regular search for new and/or simple 3D modeling software. That year I came across CB Model Pro. I was impressed by this simple to use software and fell in love with its User interface (that's one of those words we don't need to know LOL). That means I liked the way the tools were designed and drawn up. It really had virtual clay like control.  I joined the community I met Tom saw his tutorials and with his help from them got my feet wet, and pretty much dived in. The program was a beta that never saw Alpha (those words again). It was in test mode but never got to final stage. And it has since then been abandoned since 2009. Heartbroken but like all who have tasted love I kept looking.
Tom and I have overlapped a few times in this similar journey communicating our findings back and forth Via E/mail. Many programs looked promising, but no real replacement for CB model Pro. 6 years have gone by. I revisited 3d coat and this time I saw it had evolved into a very powerful program and to my surprise the tools were easy for me to grasp. A couple weeks into the 30 day demo I sent the info to Tom.  He was impressed as well and agreed we should give this one a run through and that brings us to the place we are now.  I am currently making the first video tutorial. I hope you will watch it and download 3d Coat demo I truly do believe that in a short time you will be inspired to create the things you imagine.

Long story I know but hope it helps you to get to know me better.
For those of you ready to jump in I have 2 starter videos ready for you to watch. The first one is an introduction to 3D Coats and it's layout.

After that I take you on your first project. In this video we design a simple Pencil cup with some embelishments,

Take a moment and post your comments to the blog here to let Tom and myself know what you got out of the videos as well Try to direct you posts to me (John) so I can be sure to respond to them. 

Have a great day.

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