Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 4, 2015

New Firmware, New Client, 70 micron Success

After my early failed attempts at printing in 70 micron layers, I simply abandoned trying until I felt that the early clogging issues had been successfully addressed.

Given the success I was having with firmware 1.10A at 200 microns, I suspected that with the release of 1.11A and the companion client upgrade that it was time to try 70 microns again,

I'm happy to report, after a successful 5.5 hour print, that there were no issues at all with printing at the highest resolution.  I would not call the test a definitive one since the design for the objects being printed required very few filament in/out cycles.  The lines could be printed continuously, which is less stressful on the filament.  But, it is certainly promising and reflective of the steady improvements in performance delivered by the 3D Systems engineering team.

By the way, the print is stunningly beautiful.  Unfortunately, I cannot post an image because the objects are prototypes as part of a series of products that I hope to release in the near future.

We keep making progress.  :)

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