Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 6, 2015

I'd like to Ask a Personal Favor of Cubifyfans Readers

Why Am I Coming to You?

It has been a real joy for me to write this blog and hear from so many of you.  I know that many of you agree with me that the whole process of being able to bring an idea to reality through 3D printing sparks imaginations as few other endeavors can do.

Most of you also know that I feel very strongly that young people... especially young people that fall into that category  that the educational system calls "at-risk"... can come to see a new vision for their lives when they learn the most wonderful lesson that 3D printing has to offer... that failure is NOT final.  If an object fails to meet expectations when finally printed, simply make the necessary changes to the design and print it again.  That is a powerful object lesson to the cadets we at YouthQuest Foundation serve.

A Way to Show Your Appreciation for This Blog

Today is the first day of YouthQuest Foundation's KickStarter Campaign to raise funds to turn the lessons we have developed for our Youth ChalleNGe cadets into a full formal curriculum.

Our goal is modest... just $8,000.  But, the proceeds will help us package what we have learned about teaching 3D design to "at-risk" students into a powerful and effective transformational tool for individuals, home schools and educators.  We know our 3D ThinkLink Lab methodology works.  Now we want to be able share it in a form others can use.

So, please take a moment to visit the:

YouthQuest 3D ThinkLink Kickstarter Page 
If you would like to show your appreciation for this blog, I can think of no better way than for you to donate a small (or large) amount to help YouthQuest meet and exceed its goal. 

Any amount would be very appreciated. 

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