Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 6, 2015

Student Enthusiam Speaks Beyond Language Barriers!

I HAVE to share this with everyone.  Educators around the world are seeing the exact same enthusiasm in their classrooms when 3D design and printing is introduced.  Perhaps it was a little more than a year ago that I first heard from Alfonso Cabrera about plans to introduce 3d printing to his students.  Those plans have become a reality.  I just received this email from him and I am extremely excited by what I see.

I do not speak a word of Spanish.  But, I DO understand the light in a student's eyes as their brains are turned on to new possibilities they see when they grasp the power of 3D printing to realize imaginations!  So, I urge you to watch these videos even if you, like me, are Spanish challenged.  :)

Dear all,
It has been a long time since we talked about how from Telecor/El Corte Ingles we wanted to bring the 3D Printers into the schools.

Well, I am glad to introduce a video of our first project with 3D Printing, in which you can see how is the response from teachers and students.
In this case, we worked with Eduscopi, who is a company who creates educational content for new technologies (we are not teachers nor professors, and we wanted to create something that could be useful for students and teachers... that is why we decided to collaborate with Eduscopi). Eduscopi is not the only company we are working with to reach our goal though...
We have made two videos.I hope you like them. I am sorry they are in spanish (may be we could add some english subtitles??)
This is as an intro. and only takes a couple seconds:

Here is the link to the "long version" video, which is around 3 or 4 minutes:

Please, do not hesitate to give us some feedback of your opinion, adding sugestions if you want...

Right now, what we'd like is to create extra-schollar classes for private schools, and for students from 8 to 14 years.
However, we are also in negotiations with the Ministry of Education in order to bring up 3D Printing, Programming and Robotics into public schools/high schools. We'll keep you informed about it.

Best regards,

Alfonso Cabrera G. de Candamo
Telecor S.A.

Fantastic Alfonso!  I can hardly wait until I get to show the video to our Spanish speaking students and they get the chance to teach me!  I love it.


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